Igor pro subtract waves
Igor pro subtract waves

igor pro subtract waves

% WaveHeader2 structure excluding wData field 110 bytesįunction D = local_partition_text(fid, D) While 1, % subtract days as long as they fit While 1, % subtract months as long as they fit While 1, % subtract years as long as they fit It = double(it-idate_1988) % smaller numbers-> use ordinary numbers ("doubles") Idate_1988 = 21*uint32(Nsec_4year) % # seconds between & If isequal(0,datatype), % partition text data into lines using string indices stored eof % Number of bytes of wave data = wfmSize - (sizeof(WaveHeader5) - 4)ĭ.y = reshape(D.y, D.waveHeader.nDim(1:D.Ndim)) ĭ.WaveNotes = local_readNotes(fid, D.binHeader) % X offset & spacing (documentation is obscure) % Optional wave dependency formula Variable size % WaveHeader5 structure excluding wData field 320 bytes

igor pro subtract waves

% The version 5 file has the following general layout. If CMPLX, D.y = D.y(1:2:end) + i*D.y(2:2:end) end % Re & Im values are interleaved NN = D.Nsam*(1+double(CMPLX)) % if complex, read twice as many numbers % WaveHeader2 structure excluding wData field 110 bytes % The version 2 file has the following general layout. % The date/time is store as seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904.ĭ.creationDate = local_igorTime2vec(D.waveHeader.creationDate) ĭ.modDate = local_igorTime2vec(D.waveHeader.creationDate) Otherwise, error('Invalid numerical datatype.') % % #define NT_UNSIGNED 0x40 % Makes above signed integers unsigned. % % #define NT_I32 0x20 % 32 bit integer numbers. % % #define NT_I16 0x10 % 16 bit integer numbers. % % #define NT_I8 8 % 8 bit signed integer.

igor pro subtract waves


% % #define NT_FP64 4 % 64 bit fp numbers. % % #define NT_FP32 2 % 32 bit fp numbers. % % #define NT_CMPLX 1 % Complex numbers. One of the following bits, as represented by symbols defined in IgorBin.h, will be set: % For numeric waves, the type field is interpreted bitwise. If exist('fullfilename', 'file'), FFN = fullfilename(FN, cd, '.ibw') % D = IBWread('Foo.ibw') reads Igor file Foo.ibw into struct D. Just copy paste into notepad and save it with extension.

Igor pro subtract waves